pietra gray marble



Pietra Gray Marble Complex, with direct access to Isfahan Pietra Gray Marble quarries, which provide processable products of this stone, maintains its production ability at the highest level, and by having the best and highest quality machines of the day, it is possible to produce finishes of these stone is in slab and tile dimensions and supports the builders in supplying this type of stone.

Every 400m2 of this stone can be requested from our complex within 5 days, which is the production speed is proof of timely supply of the product.

Due to the importance of Pietra Gray in the luxury building materials market, our team tries to support the architects and businessmen who want this material as best and as quickly as possible and provide them with the best quality.

Our complex always tries to supply Pietra Gray in tile and slab dimensions with various processes such as brushed, bush-hammered, polished, hond, etc. to the building stone market.


We are the exclusive producer of Pietra Gray Marble. After years of activity in the field of production of this stone, now with the availability of the best workforce and equipment, we claim to produce the best varieties and processing of Petra Gray Marble stone.


We look forward to hearing from you and your guidance.
Our consultants are ready to help you.