pietra gray marble


Pietra Gray Marble in Interior Decoration

Pietra Gray is known as one of the strongest and with the petty water absorption in the colors of the marble category. When we add its neutral color to these properties, we encounter a wonderful product from nature that fascinate the great architects of the world.

Polished Pietra Gray Marble

As the name of this process suggests, the surface of the stone becomes handcrafted after being brushed to create more strength and it can be used in exterior environments and floors of places with high humidity, but its beauty should not be in the façade and stair was unaware.

pietra gray

Bush Hammered Pietra Gray Marble

As the name of this process suggests, the surface of the stone is brushed after being hammered to create more strength and it can be used in exterior environments and floors of places with high humidity, it’s being can using for façade and stair design.

pietra gray marblepietra gray

Hond Pietra Gray Marble

If you want to see the beauty of this stone in minimalist architecture, you should use Hond processing in architecture. Hond processing can also be called opaque processing

pietra gray

Brushed Pietra Gray Marble

This special processing gives a leather-like texture to the surface of the stone in which no additional material is used in its processing and is usually used in interior facades.